Architectural Design 3 (ARC60408)
In the module, "experiencing space and location" in architecture is emphasised. Students are introduced to the idea of neighbourhood and community in the topic, as well as an examination of the spatial typologies and poetics in architecture. In their preliminary design work, students investigate and create a variety of spatial typologies (such as linear, spiral, spine, and focal) for a straightforward living area that examines architectural experiences and tectonics. The principal project then entails the design of a small-scale community building in an open landscape/suburban setting that interacts with the terrain, history, and socio-cultural activities of the site. The design work investigates the merging of the plan and section to produce an architectural form that is tectonically expressive, practical, and site-responsive. The design exercise also emphasises the part played by society in the creative architectural design process and ties to spaces with values and culture.
Tutor: Mr Yoong Chern Li